Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wyoming corner to corner

Today, Sunday the 23, I got one of my earlier starts of this trip. I think I was on the road before 9am. I'm sure part of the reason for the early start was the prospect of doing a 500 mile day. It ended up being 535 miles. I went from Kemmerer WY to Belle Fourche SD. I basically went from the southwest corner of Wyoming to the northeast corner. I will list the roads traveled today if you want to look at a map. From Kemmerer I took US189 to WY372 to WY28 into lander WY. Then WY789 to US26 to casper WY. In casper I got on I25 north to WY259 to WY387 to WY50 which took me into Gillette WY. At that point I got on I90 east to Spearfish SD, then north on US85 to Belle Fourche SD to visit friends. Pictures for today:
Trivia answer; Kemmerer Wyoming. Ques; Where did JC Penny start.
Green river. Interesting bluffs, and open range. I had two antelope cross the road in front of me today and the third one turned back.
Snow fences. You see these in many open areas of the west. They help keep the roads from drifting closed.
A little history.
A nice overlook.
Yes we have plenty of oil in this country.
And another oddity of the west. It seems like there is one around almost every corner.
More History. Don't know what tomorrow will bring. A day off visiting with friends and head home tuesday. Bye now.


  1. That is a large leg of you journey. I would have taken at least two days for this stretch. What a strange yet not unfamiliar scenery that is. Reminds me of the Alberta badlands...

    1. I'm with Sonja. Less distance in a day makes me happier.

  2. It looks so dry, but is such a pretty landscape.
