Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lawn Art?

This summer I decided to make a few changes to the driveway entry to our home. It took the form of some free style rock stacking and the tricycles have a story. When both Wendie my wife and I where 4 years old or so, our parents took a picture of us on our tricycles. Wendie found these trikes when her and Nancy were out shopping and looking for whatever.
She figured that I could do something with them. I just so happened to have a pile of rocks about 25 feet away, and they didn't look like they had anything else to do. So I moved them because they wouldn't move themselves.

Our early biker days.

End product. "Rocks and Trikes"

After I looked at it and was pleased with the creation, I thought where do I go from here?
After about a week or so I thought that something more was needed. Well I still had some rocks left and decided to try to make two stacked stone figures to go along with the trikes.

First I did this one.

The second one was completed soon after.

I'm not sure if something more is needed or not. Still a work in progress?
Hope you enjoyed this post from Hayward WI.