Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunday, Day 6,7,8

 On sunday we headed on down to Sturgis for the first running of the American Flat Track Sturgis TT. They set up a track on the downtown streets with one small dirt section. It was about a .3 mile around. There was about a two hour delay because some rain came through. The racing was very good although we didn't stay for all of it. I was not feeling well so we headed back to camp. Had a tough night with sweats and chills. On monday morning I took a covid test and came up positive. The rest of monday and today, tuesday I just hung out at camp and rested. We were supposed to head to Utah tomorrow but will be heading home instead.

Quite the set up to be put up overnight.

A large number of people stuck around for the race.

They had a big screen set up to.

Our long time friend Terresah.

The eventual winner JD Beach.

My positive covid test.
Don't know when the next post will be.

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