Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday day 5

 We got some riding and shopping done again today. We started the morning out by heading over to Devils Tower. Kevin picked up a couple of trinkets, then we headed to Sundance WY for lunch. After lunch on the ride back we stopped off at the Stone House Saloon and then we came back to camp for a little nap and then we were off to the Full Throttle Saloon and the Buffalo Chip to do more looking and shopping. Things were really winding down even though the rally lasts through tomorrow. The Harley and Indian displays and demo ride areas were all just about packed up and ready to head out of town by 8 pm saturday night. We covered 215 miles today.

Into Wyoming we go.

Hulett WY. Usually much busier.
Neat place to stop in Hulett, WY

Devils Tower one more time.
I go to alot of the same places every year because the roads and scenery are so great.

You know the rally is really over when you see the guy loading up the porta-potties.

 A couple last shots of Devils Tower.

Stone House Saloon. Not busy either.

Full Throttle Saloon is a very neat place.

Lots of neat old machinery in the saloon.
Waiting patiently for Kevin to finish shopping.

Stage at Buffalo Chip.

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