Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday ride 1-9

On todays ride we finally got to run on the lakes and swamp areas. Everywhere we ventured today was staked but the usual intersection signs with directions that are usually placed at junctions on the lakes were not out yet. Today's route was 42 miles and we ran it in a counterclockwise direction starting at Jean and Gib's house which is right next to intersection 45 on the map in the upper left portion of the map.
From Jean and Gib's we followed trail 14 and then trail 18 all the way to star 52, R&R Bayview Restaurant.
Out on the tiger Cat Flowage. I'm less than a mile from home from this spot.
Into the woods and then cross the Chief river on trail 18.
Headed out across Mud Lake.
Running alongside Cty CC.
Good breakfast crowd it's 10am.
No playing pool for awhile.
Trail 18 out on the Chippewa Flowage. Snow was on the scarce side out on the flowage.
This is were last year a lady came down the snowmobile trail and got her car stuck on the lake.
Along trail 18 near intersection 101.
At intersection 101 we ran into a barrier blocking trail 21 heading north. We decided to go around it to find out if it was passable.
Great trail until a bad spot in the swamp. We were able to get around it with no problem, then it was clear sailing.
Had some great groomed trails today which equals some fast streches.
Next stop was the Deer Run Resort for a bite to eat and a hot apple cider.
Back out on the trail and no traffic.
Back on trail 5.
Last couple of pictures from today. The trails were in great shape today. Got to do some fast running. I really enjoy that part.

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