Saturday, August 24, 2024

Thursday, Day 10

 We didn't push getting started on Thursday morning. We wanted to make sure that we didn't catch up to the rain we have been following since yesterday. We were sucessful and only ran into a few damp roads the last 100 miles. It was 260 miles to my house outside Hayward WI from Clara City MN. No wind to speak of, if anything it was a bit of a help. Gas mileage went up to over 54 MPG on this last day driving 60-65 MPH.

Only put on 1994 miles this trip thanks to catching covid somewhere sometime before I left home, but not really sure. Chills, sweats, headache, mild fever and low energy, also no appetite.

Left home on tuesday the 6th and by sunday the 11th I figured I had something going on. On monday the 12th I tested positive for covid. Laid around the campground monday and tuesday and headed home on wednesday.

Ending mileage.

Spreadsheet for this trip.
It was still a good trip, just to short.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Weds, Day 9

 Weds morning we packed up the bikes and were on the road before 8am. We got as far as Clara City MN. It was a 477 mile day. It was a good day for riding. The temp was near perfect. It was cloudy and we were behind the rain by 4-5 hours. Had a head slash cross wind from the time we crossed the Missouri until we stopped for the day in Clara City MN. It wasn't much of an issue it just hurt the gas mileage by 4-5 miles per gallon.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunday, Day 6,7,8

 On sunday we headed on down to Sturgis for the first running of the American Flat Track Sturgis TT. They set up a track on the downtown streets with one small dirt section. It was about a .3 mile around. There was about a two hour delay because some rain came through. The racing was very good although we didn't stay for all of it. I was not feeling well so we headed back to camp. Had a tough night with sweats and chills. On monday morning I took a covid test and came up positive. The rest of monday and today, tuesday I just hung out at camp and rested. We were supposed to head to Utah tomorrow but will be heading home instead.

Quite the set up to be put up overnight.

A large number of people stuck around for the race.

They had a big screen set up to.

Our long time friend Terresah.

The eventual winner JD Beach.

My positive covid test.
Don't know when the next post will be.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday day 5

 We got some riding and shopping done again today. We started the morning out by heading over to Devils Tower. Kevin picked up a couple of trinkets, then we headed to Sundance WY for lunch. After lunch on the ride back we stopped off at the Stone House Saloon and then we came back to camp for a little nap and then we were off to the Full Throttle Saloon and the Buffalo Chip to do more looking and shopping. Things were really winding down even though the rally lasts through tomorrow. The Harley and Indian displays and demo ride areas were all just about packed up and ready to head out of town by 8 pm saturday night. We covered 215 miles today.

Into Wyoming we go.

Hulett WY. Usually much busier.
Neat place to stop in Hulett, WY

Devils Tower one more time.
I go to alot of the same places every year because the roads and scenery are so great.

You know the rally is really over when you see the guy loading up the porta-potties.

 A couple last shots of Devils Tower.

Stone House Saloon. Not busy either.

Full Throttle Saloon is a very neat place.

Lots of neat old machinery in the saloon.
Waiting patiently for Kevin to finish shopping.

Stage at Buffalo Chip.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Friday, day 4

 Did not do much on friday. Went downtown Sturgis for about 4 hours and shopped and looked at the unusual people that seem to show up every year. We did get a ride in though. We left Sturgis and went down Vannocker Canyon to Nemo road and back through Deadwood to the campground. Today we are supposed to go to Devils Tower.

Kevin and Pam have arrived in downtown Sturgis.

Not real busy yet at about 10 am.
Much busier a couple hours later.

Gee I think I've seen this guy on TV.

The gangs all here.
That's all for now.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Day 2 and 3

 Wednesday started out cloudy and cool with light rain off and on for the first 50 or so miles. The rest of the way there was no rain except for a few drops but the wind came up out of the north which meant a cross wind for us. It wasn't terrible just annoying.

Upon arriving at Wyatts Hideaway campground and checking in we unpacked and then relaxed. Kevin and Pam were there already and we talked about the trip so far and some ideas on where to ride to what to see. Did no more riding on day 2.

Thursday, day 3 started with breakfast at the campground which was biscuits with sausage gravy and hash browns for 5 dollars. Then it was time for Kevin, Pam and I to go for a ride. We left the campground and went through Spearfish and headed up Spearfish Canyon road to Cheyenne Crossing then onto Rochford, Deadwood, Sturgis and back to camp. It was a great day for a ride but a bit cool, 60's.

What we woke up to Wed morning.

Me and the gang I rode out with, L to R, me, Nick, Carie, Bri and Jeff.

Jeff and Bri.

Just a cloudy and cool day.
Pam and I at Bridal Veil Falls in Spearfish Canyon.

Kevin just had to get in the picture.

A tree with bandanas on it.

Kevin and Pams ride, very nice.

Inside the Moonshine Gulch Saloon.

At the St. Onge bar.
We will see what tomorrow brings. We talked shopping in Sturgis and going to Devils Tower.